There are more reasons for me to say that Deep Coaching is not for everyone. First of all there are many people who simply need coaching to improve in a very specific field. For example if a business leader wants to get better just in the area of public speaking and presentations, or an athlete is only looking for ways to improve their focus during competitions, then I would rather propose to look for a coaching or training process centered around that specific topic.
We will be able to work together well (regardless of what field you are coming from), if you are open to getting a deeper understanding of yourself, and your obstacles to create a better a life and you are talented in something and also keen to improve further. You are not only looking for ways to solve a problem but also ready for a complete life transformation to become more successful and happy.
Another reason is that I work only with a few clients at a time. This way you, as my client, can get a much more personalized and deep, intense connection, in which you can feel that I give my full attention to you. It is not a “one size fits all” solution, as the whole process is always tailor-made for you.
It is also important to note that in Deep Coaching a serious amount of inner work is needed. This requires determintion, persistency, and above all, internal motivation for self-improvement. But it is worth it: your investment will bring greater returns to your life.
In line with the above mentioned I usually work with clients who are highly talented, open for self-improvement, persistent, and are willing to invest time and money in fulfilling their dreams. If you feel like these resonate with you, contact me.
IMPORTANT: in case this description fits you but you are missing the necessary funds, do not worry. With the Exceptional Talents Program I help every year a few highly talented people with whom I work for free.